I talked to Mary several weeks ago about selling my car. I don’t think she is totally sold on the idea, but she supports the decision.
Next we have some repairs we need to make to the yaris, the some cosmetic cleanup to the fit. Anyone want an ’08 Fit?
With the profit from selling the Fit I will be 1) purchasing a cargo bike from metrofiets in Portland, OR and 2) putting the balance into a family transportation fund.
While part of this is about saving money the bigger part is about only using the resources you really need. So I’ll establish a savings account in which I will put the proceeds of my car purchase, plus on a monthly basis the money I would have spent on gas, insurance, and maintenance. From this fund I’ll pay for my bikes, cycling clothing, cycling accessories, zip car, and public transportation. It will be interesting to see how much money is there in one year.
As for the metrofiet. I contacted Phil via email, from there we had a pleasant conversation and exchanged about a dozen email discussing options. We agreed on an estimate, and I submitted my deposit. Now comes the waiting. Although I got word the other day they purchased the steel and will begin making various components of the bike as they make batches.
That sounds like great progress, but I am still many months from being united with my new transportation awesomeness. It takes time to turn a pile of steel into a machine of beauty.