Today was the most miles I’ve put on the brompton in a single day. It started off with a 9.5 mile bike ride to Timm’s house. This was a rolling hills ride, that gradually raised in elevation. I had not previously rode on hilly terrain and was impressed how well the bike performed. From here we drove to Roxborough in Philadelphia and worked on our project.
After this I headed to 30th street station from Roxborough. This was about 7 miles. Timm looked at me funny when I was getting my bike out. Said he’d drop me some place if required. Nope this is my transportation I said. It made me feel well when I made it downtown in just 25 minutes. No way a car could have gotten there that fast.
From 30th street I took the train to Doylestown. They were working on the tracks so we had to take a bus the last part. From there a short ride to my parents house, dinner with my parents and wife (she drove there), then we drove home bike folded up in the trunk.
In the old day we would have taken two cars to Philly so I could separate from Timm and drive north. Once we got to my parents we would again have two cars. This way I tied it all together with my own power and public transit, therefore reducing congestion. It wasn’t even difficult.